
from codenerix.models import CodenerixModel

class ModelName(CodenerixModel):

    attr1 = models.CharField(_('attr1Label', max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
    attr2 = models.IntegerField(_('attr2Label'), blank=False, null=False)

    def __fields__(self, info):
        fields = super(Staticheader, self).__fields__(info)
        fields.append(('attr1', _('attr1Label'), 100))
        fields.append(('attr2', _('attr2Label'), 100))
        return fields

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'{}'.format(self.identifier)


CodenerixModel is a generic class used to define a single data model. This class inherits from django class models.Model


__fields__(self, info)

This is a mandatory method to tell Codenerix which of the model fields must be showed. If this method is declared in a GenList for this model, the GenList definition will prevail.

def __fields__(self,info):
    fields = []
    fields.append(('nameField1', _('labelField1', 100, 'left'))
    fields.append(('nameField2', _('labelField2'), None, 'center'))
    fields.append(('nameField3', _('labelField3')))
    return fields


  • info: Contains all the basic information from the session.


  • List of parameters list. Each list represents a model field and associated parameters:

    • Identifier: Field name, have to be a member of the model. cannot be null
    • Label : Field label. cannot be null
    • Size : Size in pixels of the form widget.
    • Alignment: Alignment of the columns name. Options are (left | center | right).

__limitQ__(self, info)

Filters data for a static value (For example, if you want that a certain role only see its own clients, limitQ can filter the resulting queryset by the clients of the logged user). If this method is declared in a GenList for this model, the GenList definition will prevail.

def __limitQ__(self, info):
    criteria = []
    limits = {}
    limits['profile_people_limit'] = reduce(operator.or_, criterials)
    return limits


  • info: Contains all basic information from the session.


Returns a dictionary with a set of Q conditions.

__searchQ__(self, info)

Manages a text filter. If this method is declared in a GenList for this model, the GenList definition will prevail.

def __searchQ__(self, info, text):
    text_filters = {}
    text_filters['identifier1'] = Q(CharField1__icontains=text)
    text_filters['identifier2'] = Q(TextField1__icontains=text)
    text_filters['identifier3'] = Q(IntegerField=34)

    #If text have this a especific word can return another Q condition.
    if text.find(u'magic') != -1:
        text_filters['identifier4'] = Q(identifier=34)

    return text_filters


  • info: Contains all basic information from the session.
  • text: Text used to filter.


Returns a dictionary with all Q conditions.

__searchF__(self, info)

Declare predefined search filters. If this method is declared in a GenList for this model, the GenList definition will prevail.

def __searchF__(self, info):
    list1 = []
    for l1 in Model.objects.all():
        list1.append((, l1.field1 + ' ' + l1.field2))

    list2 = []
    for li in Model2.objects.all():
        list2.append((, str(li.field)))

    text_filters = {}
    text_filters['field1'] = (_('Field1'), lambda x: Q(field1__startswith=x), [('h', _('Starts with h')), ('S', _('Starts with S'))])
    text_filters['field2'] = (_('Field2'), lambda x: Q(field2__pk=x), list1)
    text_filters['external'] = (_('Field3'), lambda x: Q(pk=x),list2)
    return text_filters


  • info: Contains all basic information from the session.


Returns a dictionary of tuples. Each tuple have three fields with following structure:

  • Name: Name of the selector. If match a model field name, the filter will positionate in the column, else the choicebox will put on default site.
  • Function: Is a lambda function to specify search methods.
  • Choices: A tuple with two fields (value, label).

More examples

Basic GenModelForm

from codenerix.models import CodenerixModel

class ModelName(CodenerixModel):

    attr1 = models.CharField(_('attr1Label'), max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
    attr2 = models.IntegerField(_('attr2Label'), blank=False, null=False)

    def __fields__(self, info):
        fields = super(Staticheader, self).__fields__(info)
        fields.append(('attr1', _('attr1Label'), 100))
        fields.append(('attr2', _('attr2Label'), 100))
        return fields

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'{}'.format(self.identifier)