GenCreate and GenCreateModal

from codenerix.views import GenCreate, GenCreateModal

class ModelNameCreate(GenCreate):
    model = ModelName
    form_class = ModelNameFormCreate

class ModelNameCreateModal(GenCreateModal, ModelNameCreate):


GenCreate and GenCreateModal are generic classes of Codenerix used to generate a form automatically that handle the task of creation of objects and their validation. Is recommended that the name of each class which inherits from GenCreate o GenCreateModal follow this pattern: ModelName+Create or ModelName+CreateModal respectively. Both GenCreate and GenCreateModal usually are created at the same time.

  • Example:

    If model is User, then, GenCreate declarations should be, class UserCreate(GenCreate):

    If model is User, then, GenCreateModal declarations should be, class UserCreateModal(GenCreateModal):



Is the form that will be rendered in the template.


If False hide the add button at the right of the fields with a GenForeignKey (Default value is False).


Model used to generate and validate the form.


Boolean field, if True after save a new register send to GenDetail and GenDetailModal. Default value is False.

More examples

Basic Create

class ModelNameCreate(GenCreate):
    model = Modelname
    form_class = ModelNameCreateForm

Normal create

class ModelNameCreate(GenCreate):
    model = ModelName
    form_class = ModelNameFormCreateForm
    show_details = True
    hide_foreignkey_button = True

Create from sublist

class NameModelCreateModal(GenCreateModal):
    model = ModelName
    form_class = ModelNameCreateForm

    def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__field_pk = kwargs.get('tpk', None) # Its important, url can't use label pk or will fail.
        return super(ModelNameCreateModal, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs)

    def form_valid(self, form):
        if self.__field_pk:
            data = NameModelFather.objects.get(pk=self.__field_pk)
            self.request.field = data
            form.instance.field = data

        return super(NameModelCreateModal, self).form_valid(form, forms)